It's so hot today that the Swiss chocolate with whole hazelnuts i'm eating is melting in its foil on my desk.
It's so hot you could kill a fly with your own hand.
It's so hot even the sun is sunburned.
It's so hot the gentle breeze through my house only makes the place warmer. Shoulda kept all windows and doors closed today, as we did growing up in the heat wave Eighties in L.A., and as my mom does now in Minnesota at the peak of summer. Keep everything closed and dark till late afternoon, then keep everything wide open till 6 a.m.
It's so hot, the Led Zeppelin guys on the cover of my MOJO mag are sweating.
It's so hot the flowers in my couch-cover are wilting.
It's so hot my baby just makes me hotter and i don't know whose sweat is whose when he puts his cheek against mine, and it's very fine.
It's so hot and i am so glad i don't have to work today in the sun, i don't have to take the bus, or go to school, or even drive a car anywhere. I am so grateful and happy I can stay in my little house and drink ice mint tea and write and smoke if I want to.
I appreciate it, because there's been plenty of times in my life when I had to be out in the sun.
Weather extremes make you appreciate your life.
In Minnesota, I used to come home from a club at night during a frightening winter cold snap, with snow and mush and crazy cold, and I'd get in bed, and I'd get snuggly and warm, and I'd think, this is the best thing in the world. I get to be snuggly and warm inside my own place. How did I get to be so lucky?
It's something about weather; it heightens your experience of life.
I like extremes of weather for this reason. I'm more alive now that it's crazy hot. The nights are luscious and long, and you want to stay up all night just thinking, or talking with a friend, or looking at the stars, or writing in your journal. I did that last night. I sat on my land lady's porch till maybe quarter to two, then I went up to my house and wrote in my journal till four. I looked down the hill at their house at 3:30 and they were still up, too. She was sitting on the porch smoking, and they were making plans for rebuilding their house.
Last night it just didn't make sense to go to sleep at a normal time. You'd be missing out on too much summer night. I saw Mars too. It looked like a big old crazy pink diamond.
Yesterday me and a few friends of mine worked together on my top secret project. We got to drink beers in the middle of the day, too. That rocked. In time I will tell you about my project. it has to do with music and talking.
Anyway, i have a lot of work to do before tomorrow. So bye.
It's so hot you could kill a fly with your own hand.
It's so hot even the sun is sunburned.
It's so hot the gentle breeze through my house only makes the place warmer. Shoulda kept all windows and doors closed today, as we did growing up in the heat wave Eighties in L.A., and as my mom does now in Minnesota at the peak of summer. Keep everything closed and dark till late afternoon, then keep everything wide open till 6 a.m.
It's so hot, the Led Zeppelin guys on the cover of my MOJO mag are sweating.
It's so hot the flowers in my couch-cover are wilting.
It's so hot my baby just makes me hotter and i don't know whose sweat is whose when he puts his cheek against mine, and it's very fine.
It's so hot and i am so glad i don't have to work today in the sun, i don't have to take the bus, or go to school, or even drive a car anywhere. I am so grateful and happy I can stay in my little house and drink ice mint tea and write and smoke if I want to.
I appreciate it, because there's been plenty of times in my life when I had to be out in the sun.
Weather extremes make you appreciate your life.
In Minnesota, I used to come home from a club at night during a frightening winter cold snap, with snow and mush and crazy cold, and I'd get in bed, and I'd get snuggly and warm, and I'd think, this is the best thing in the world. I get to be snuggly and warm inside my own place. How did I get to be so lucky?
It's something about weather; it heightens your experience of life.
I like extremes of weather for this reason. I'm more alive now that it's crazy hot. The nights are luscious and long, and you want to stay up all night just thinking, or talking with a friend, or looking at the stars, or writing in your journal. I did that last night. I sat on my land lady's porch till maybe quarter to two, then I went up to my house and wrote in my journal till four. I looked down the hill at their house at 3:30 and they were still up, too. She was sitting on the porch smoking, and they were making plans for rebuilding their house.
Last night it just didn't make sense to go to sleep at a normal time. You'd be missing out on too much summer night. I saw Mars too. It looked like a big old crazy pink diamond.
Yesterday me and a few friends of mine worked together on my top secret project. We got to drink beers in the middle of the day, too. That rocked. In time I will tell you about my project. it has to do with music and talking.
Anyway, i have a lot of work to do before tomorrow. So bye.