Hi, Chicken Lovers:

I'm leaving Hollywood tomorrow for five weeks in Minneapolis, assuming work doesn't interfere along the way and bring me home early. I will blog from Minneapolis, so you will get a sense of the fertile cadences (?) of summer in Minnesota, where all is green lush moist and throbbingly alive.

So I'm running around trying to get everything done today, so that tomorrow I may luxuriate at the Beverly Hot Springs before my flight at 6 p.m. I am going to soak in the mineral waters and also get a shiatsu massage. I have never gotten shiatsu before. I hear it's a bit brutal. That's OK, we like it rough.

So that's why this is a short entry.

I have to go buy a "gig bag" for my guitar, "Sparkle Motion." They are expensive. Oh well.

love n stuff,



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