Hi, Pussy Willows.

To-Do List:

1. Eat more gummy bears

2. Turn my dictionary into a cute guy and then make it my boyfriend

3. Actually read all the Mojo cover stories I've been putting off (Stone Roses, Elvis, et al.)

4. Discover a whole bunch of secret, unreleased Badfinger songs that actually fulfill their potential.

5. Eat flowers, and not be afraid.

In reality I am eating more gummy bears but generally trying to recover from the emotional overwhelm of my White Stripes Weekend. (More on that later.)

I am also procrastinating on the last great big work-related task before my Summer Vacation begins. It involves radio history and KROQ and I'm plenty freaked-out and confused about how to do it. I saw Jed the Fish last night at the show and he said he thinks it's a good idea. I love that man, and I can't explain why.

I think maybe I have a particular affinity for ex-junkies. It seems like heroin users are the most delicate and sensitive sign of the substance-abuse zodiac. They don't need to feel macho, they don't need to be funnier or faster or crazier. They just need to feel like they're OK and everything's going to be OK.

Maybe that's a stereotype, though.

In any case, I would say we are at Procrastination Defcon 3. I went for a walk, took a nap, went grocery shopping, read Mojo, (which featured an endearingly upset letter from John Frusciante about an offhand slur against Yes!), and practiced guitar. But I have not yet done the dishes or laundry. I'll know we're at Defcon 1 when the bathroom floor is shiny.

Procrastination Haiku #1

Deadline near

Must write haiku about it.

Floor clean, page blank--shit.



PS: Not to be all smarter-than -thou, but if anyone can spot the ee cummings reference today I'll write a haiku just for them. email me at heykate17@earthlink.net


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